I am a so-called Leo…

So I’m supposed to love the limelight, love being centre of attention, loyal friend, loud, outgoing… Google says: “Like a crackling fire, Leos tend to be warm, passionate, and dynamic. They delight in opportunities to let their charismatic, inclusive personality shine. And like the lion that represents them, Leos are also strong, brave, and ready to dominate everything they set out to do”

Aaaaand… I look at this and go…so where do I fit in? lol!

YES I am warm. YES I am passionate. YES I am inclusive.

No I hate the limelight. No I am not brave. No I don’t want to dominate anything I promise! I like my own space, I love interacting with people but then afterwards I need my me time, in my space with my things, sans humans.

I am not the type of person that tries to stand out from the crowd and be noticed, in fact I dress very mediocrely…if for any reason I am noticed it’s because I’m a bit strange, I like things that people think I wont like and I say things very straight and bluntly because I don’t really care if anyone agrees or disagrees. I am sometimes a bit loud when I get excited and I have high standards, I am a good friend I think but if you ignore me for a while I wont take offense because I’m just fine in my own thoughts and goings on and don’t even realize we haven’t spoken in weeks- oh and I am a texter, don’t call me unless you texted to check if I can take a call- but I prefer a text. Ill call you out if you are wrong, whether you are my friend or family, I believe in talking about disagreements and then laughing afterwards. I am real, I cry with characters on TV and sing along to advertisements I like or in traffic to most of the songs on radio.

I love my family and my small close knit circle of friends but I don’t see myself fitting into the mold they say I should fit in. I am just here …I am just me… don’t try to out doo anyone, I don’t try to impress anyone. Please don’t disrupt my peace, I have the capacity for crazy hee hee….